Explore projects
Björn Butzin / BaaS Explorer
MIT LicenseExplore BaaS Services in the network. Filter and query them as you want.
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This is a mirror of the development repository of WS4D JMEDS
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Android-App that is supposed to bridge UI gaps for authentication This project is a supposed to become a prototype implementation related to research conducted at the University of Rostock, Germany and the WS4D initiative. Check out Web Services 4 De
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Plugin for the Vuze BitTorrent client to optimize overlay peer selection in IEEE 802.11s WMN
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Henning Puttnies / JavaExtensions4Omnet
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Karam Madi / jCoAP
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Demo of the Trust Zone Formation for Building Automation Networks created in the BBSR project "Open-BIM - Erweiterung um Gebäudeautomation und Smart Home"