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Demo of the Semantic Interoperability Layer for Building Automation Networks created in the BBSR project "Open-BIM - Erweiterung um Gebäudeautomation und Smart Home"
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This is a mirror of the development repository of WS4D JMEDS
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Modified Vuze BitTorrent client version (disables special treatment of LAN peers), to be used with a plugin that adds an optimized choking algorithm applied in 802.11s WLAN mesh networks (see related project "vuze-mesh-plugin").
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Fork of openSDC subproject BICEPS, mainly made for OR.NET project purposes and stable versions being compatible to OSCLib and SoftICE. The original repository can be found here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/opensdc/
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Fork of openSDC subproject JDPWS, mainly made for OR.NET project purposes and stable versions being compatible to OSCLib and SoftICE. The original repository can be found here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/opensdc/
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Fork of openSDC subproject MDPWS, mainly made for OR.NET project purposes and stable versions being compatible to OSCLib and SoftICE. The original repository can be found here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/opensdc/
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