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WS4D-uDPWS - The Devices Profile for Web Services (DPWS) for highly resource-constrained devices
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Very simple wrapper class for driving integers bitwise on a Raspberry PI's GPIOs
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android wrapper thingy for wrapper thingy... 'n stuff..
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If you ever happen to need a command line interface in Java, you can easily use this one. Simply link to this Java project and register commands with function-wrappers.
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This is basically a wrapper class for ECC Diffie Hellman for a very special use case. Though you may use it of course, I doubt that it is of any use for anyone except me and my students.
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A simple client testing indirect authentication
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Repository simply hosts images for documentation purposes.
(If you are IMD staff and want to dump useful images, let me know!)
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An implementation of the ws4d:Authenticator Device Class
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Switch component for indirect authentication research project.
For more information check http://gitlab.amd.e-technik.uni-rostock.de/sebastian.unger/ws4d-mobile-authenticator/wikis/home
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Modified Vuze BitTorrent client version (disables special treatment of LAN peers), to be used with a plugin that adds an optimized choking algorithm applied in 802.11s WLAN mesh networks (see related project "vuze-mesh-plugin").
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hosts the profile files
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Code for a DPWS-enabled lightbulb, driven by JMEDS and framboos, running on a Raspberry Pi
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example implementation of a BACnet slave device, only for demonstration purpose of BACnet-DPWS-gateway
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This is an emulated lightsensor that produces random luminosity values.