# Tutorial for jCoAP Hands-on
In this tutorial we will describe how to develop a simple message exchange between devices using jCoAP.
Furthermore, we will introduce the observe mechanism.
The following points will be covered by this tutorial:
1. Installation of Copper Plugin for Mozilla Firefox
2. Introduction of jCoAP (based on Task 1)
3. Import of prepared project into Eclipse
4. Task 1: Implementation of client/server and enable simple message exchange
5. Task 2: Implementation of an airconditioner control by using the CoAP-observe mechanism
## 0. The requirements for this tutorial:
* JAVA SE JDK 1.6+
* Eclipse IDE for JAVA development
* Prepared JAVA project files for Hands-on
* (Copper plugin for Mozilla Firefox)
## 1. Installation of Copper Plugin for Mozilla Firefox
- https://addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/copper-270430/
- Click on „add to Firefox“ & Confirm Installation
- Restart Firefox
## 2. Introduction of jCoAP
- WS4D-jCoAP: Java implementation of CoAP
- http://ws4d.org/
- https://gitlab.amd.e-technik.uni-rostock.de/ws4d/jcoap
### Task 1 – Sequence Diagram
Server Side
Client Side
- Server:
- individual implementation of a server application, creates CoapResourceServer and resources
- TemperatureResource:
- individual resource, inherits from BasicCoapResource
- BasicCoapResource:
- already implemented resource with basic functionality, implements CoapResource (interface)
- CoapResource (interface):
- describes interfaces that must be supported by each resource.
- CoapResourceServer:
- manages a list of resources, enables access of these resources from outside, implements
- CoapServer (interface):
- uses ChannelManager for connection management.
- CoapServer (interface):
- describes interfaces that must be supported by a resource server
- ChannelManager:
- manages channels
- Channel:
- one channel represents a connection to one client
- Client:
- individual implementation of a client application, implements CoapClient (interface)
- CoapClient (interface):
- describes interfaces that must be supported by a client
* ToDo on server side:
1. Create a new resource class TemperatureResource
2. Instantiate a new ResourceServer
3. Instantiate a new TemperatureResource
4. Add the TemperatureResource to the ResourceServer
5. Run the ResourceServer
* ToDo on client side:
1. Establish a connection to the Server using the ChannelManager
2. Create a CoapRequest & add some Options
3. Send the CoapRequest
4. Wait for CoapResponse
5. Print the CoapResponse on the console
## 3. Import of prepared project into Eclipse
1. File > Import
2. General > Existing Projects ...
3. Click ‚Next‘
4. Browse <Select Project Folder>
5. Click ‚Finish’
* the resulting GUI should look like this:
* We have prepared some FIXME and TODO annotations:
* Just open the „Task“ view
* FIXMEs are for the first task (message exchange)
* TODOs are for the second task (observe and AC control)
* If you do not have a „Task“ view:
* Window > Show View > Other
* Type „task“
* Select „General > Task“ view
## 4. Task 1: Implementation of client/server and enable simple message exchange
1. Create a new resource class TemperatureResource (already done in our example Server)
2. Instantiate a new ResourceServer
3. Instantiate a new TemperatureResource
4. Add the TemperatureResource to the ResourceServer
5. Run the ResourceServer
1. Create a new resource class TemperatureResource (TemperatureResource.java):
* We could have used the predefined BasicCoapResource
* BasicCoapResource is a resource that just keeps a static `byte[ ]` that is:
* returned on GET requests
* replaced by the payload on PUT requests
* appended with the payload on POST requests
* deleted on DELETE requests
* We do not want a static `byte[ ]`
* Instead we want a random number to be returned on a GET
* PUT, POST and DELETE are not used
* ->So we implemented TemperatureResource wich extends BasicCoapResource with:
* A constructor
* To initialize the resource
* Disallow POST, PUT and DELETE
* 2 get() Methods
* Get a list of accepted media types [& query parameters]
* Returns a `byte[ ]` together with its media type
* And the `getResourceType()` method
* Wich returns a description string of the resource
2. Instantiate a new ResourceServer (Server.java, FIXME 1):
* Need a CoapResourceServer to maintain resources
`CoapResourceServer resourceServer = new CoapResourceServer();`
3. Instantiate a new TemperatureResource (Server.java, FIXME 2):
* Resources are created like normal objects and added to the server
`CoapResource resource = new CoapResource();`
* Use the „Tasks“ view of Eclipse to find the right places
* Solve only FIXME 1-3 as described by the following instructions - ignore other FIXMEs or TODOs
4. Add the TemperatureResource to the ResourceServer (Server.java, FIXME 3):
* Resources are created like normal objects and added to the server
5. Run the ResourceServer (Server.java):
* Run Server: Click on Run -> Run in the Menu bar
* To stop the server, press the red terminate button in the console/task area
* Test it with Copper: coap://
* Stretch goal:
** Create another resource type e.g.: humidity or current Time
*** Tip: make a copy of „TemperatureResource.java“
1. Establish a connection to the Server using the ChannelManager
2. Create a CoapRequest & add some Options
3. Send the CoapRequest
4. Wait for CoapResponse
5. Print the CoapResponse on the console (already done in our example)
1. Establish a connection to the Server using the ChannelManager (Client.java, FIXME 4-5):
* A client must implement CoapClient interface
public class Client implements CoapClient {
* A CoapChannelManager is used to manage different connections and to establish a connection to a server
`channelManager = BasicCoapChannelManager.getInstance();`
`clientChannel = channelManager.connect(CoapClient client,InetAddress serverIP, int serverPort);`
2. Create a CoapRequest & add some Options (Client.java, FIXME 6-8):
* A channel represents a single connection and is used to create and send requests
`Boolean reliable = false;`
`CoapRequestCode reqCode = CoapRequestCode.GET;`
`CoapRequest request = clientChannel.createRequest(reliable,reqCode);`
3. Send the CoapRequest (Client.java, FIXME 6-8):
4. Wait for CoapResponse & Print the CoapResponse on the console
• A client has some callbacks that are invoked, when the corresponding event occurs
`public void onConnectionFailed(...)`
`public void onResponse(...) // = Unicast`
`public void onMCResponse(...) // MC = Multicast`
* Run Server: select Server.java and click on Run -> Run in the Menu bar
* Run Client: select Client.java and click on Run -> Run in the Menu bar
* Stretch goal:
** GET the “/.well-known/core” resource (it is generated automatically by the server)
** If you have written your own resources before: GET them
## 5 Task 2: Implementation of a AC control by using the CoAP-observe mechanism
1. Use the eventing mechanism CoAP-Observe
2. Let the server notify clients every 5 seconds about a changed TemperatureResource
3. Implement an Air Conditioner Resource with the path “/ACControl”, that can be set to “high”,
“medium”, “low” or “off”
28 <= Temperature -> high
25 <= Temperature < 28 -> medium
21 <= Temperature < 25 -> low
Temperature < 21 -> off
1. Use the eventing mechanism CoAP-Observe (Server.java, TODO 10):
• Mark the TemperatureResource as observable
2. Let server notify clients every 5 s about changed TemperatureResource (Server.java, TODO 11):
* indicate a change for resource every 5 seconds
`while (true) {
try {Thread.sleep(5000);}
catch (InterruptedException e) {/*do nothing*/}
* Use the „Tasks“ view of Eclipse to find the right places
* Solve only TODO 10-15 as described by the following instructions - ignore other TODOs or FIXMEs
3. Implement an Air Conditioner Resource with the path “/ACControl”, that can be set to “high”,
“medium”, “low” or “off” (Client.java & Server.java, TODO 12-15):
* Change exitAfterResponse to false (Client.java, TODO 12)
* Add the observe-option to your CoAP-GET request (Client.java, TODO 13)
* add a BasicCoapResource to the ResourceServer (Server.java, TODO 14)
resourceServer.createResource( newBasicCoapResource(“/ACControl”,”off”,CoapMediaType.text_plain));
* send PUT request (Client.java, TODO 15)
`CoapRequest request = clientChannel.createRequest(true, CoapRequestCode.PUT);
/*Depending on the received payload high, medium, low, off*/
28 <= Temperature -> high
25 <= Temperature < 28 -> medium
21 <= Temperature < 25 -> low
Temperature < 21 -> off |
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